Monday, 14 January 2008

What a month! Micsoda honap!

Four weeks ago, it started with sitting in a training and listening to the views of development managers from India on the role of NGOs in the 21st century...

Negy hettel ezelott egy treninggel kezdodott, ahol az Indiaban dolgozo civil szervezet alkalmazottainak velemenyet hallgattam, a civilek szereperol a 21 szazadban.

After that we went deep down into India, visited remote villages hidden amongst the hills of Orissa, and met people who live in the jungle away from civilization.

Ezutan India melyere vittek minket, Orissa hegyei koze, ahol tavoli falvakban a civilizaciotol elzartan elnek torzsi emberek.

We have also seen the every day life of a social development organisation, learnt about burning problems of indian women, children and tribal people and the challenges that a regional NGO has to face in the rapidly changing Indian society.

Lathattuk es reszt vehettunk egy tarsadalmi szervezet mindennapjaiban, tanultunk az indiai nok, gyerekek es torzsek egeto porblemairol, es azokrol a kihivasokrol amikkel a tarsadalmi fejlodesert kuzdo helyi szervezetek neznek szembe a rohamosan valtozo Indiaban.

I could observe, how the global challenges and trends of social development interact with the evolution of a local organisation. How moving away from primary service provision towards rights based development and advocacy and the emerging need to replace project based operation with strategic planning becomes a reality for a group who have been working for the people for 25 years.

Megfigyelhettem a tarsadalmi mozgalmak globalis kihivasainak es egy helyi szervezet belso fejlodesenek a kolcsonhatasat. A szolgatatas alapu, karitativ tevekenyseg atadja helyet a jog-alapu kepviseleti fejlodesnek; a projekt alapu tervezes atadja helyet a strategiai tervezesnek - es hogyan valik ez egy helyi szervezet belso igenyeve.

After learning about development for an year 'living it' was an awesome experience. Thank you Prakalpa.
Egy ev tanulas utan atelni ezt szemelyesen: fantasztikus. ezer koszonet Prakalpa!

1 comment:

Kay said...

Thank You Virag and Jozsef, Because you showed us a lot of things about us and showed us how we could excel in what we are doing!!

Thank You.

We all will miss you..
Have arocking vacation and Jozsef have a great birthday.