Friday, 8 February 2008

Az ember-allat olvas The human animal reads

Salman Rushdie: Midnight's children Az ejfel gyermekei

William Gibson: Idoru

Sri Paramahansa Yogananda :Autobiography of a yogi Egy jogi elete

Sri Paramahansa Yogananda: Man's eternal quest

Aldous Huxley: Island

Gregory D, Roberts: Shantaram

Amartya Sen: The Argumentative Indian

Philip K. Dick: Man in a High Castle

Robert M. Pirsig: Zen and the Art of motorcycle maintenence. Zen es a motorkerekparapolas muveszete

Sudhir Kakar: Ecstasy

J.D. Salinger: Catcher in the Rye. Zabhegyezo

Joseph Heller: CAtch 22. A 22-es csapdaja


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See here

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love and hugs

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